Beyond Roots and Beyond Roots II
How to Play
Root Recall
Match more root word cards with their corresponding English cards than your opponent.
2 Players
- Beyond Roots or Beyond Roots II card deck
- Paper and pencil for scoring
Before You Begin
Each deck of cards contains three different sets of cards:
- Set 1,
- Set 2, and
- Set 3.
Once you have worked with each set separately (and taken the corresponding Learning Gates quizzes), you can combine the sets and play each game using two sets or using all of the cards.
How to Play
- Separate the set of cards into root word and English word piles. Shuffle each separate pile.
- In Round 1, Player 1 holds all of the root word cards, and Player 2 holds all of the English word cards. Players should not show each other their cards.
- To begin, Player 1 chooses a root word from her hand. She should hold the card so her thumb (or a finger of the opposite hand) covers the symbol in the lower right corner and then show the card to Player 2.
- Player 2 selects the card from his hand that he thinks matches the displayed card. He shows his card (he does not have to cover the symbol). Player 1 removes her finger from the symbol, and the players confirm that the symbols are the same and that the match is correct.
- If the match is correct, Player 2 takes both cards and places them face up in front of him.
- If the match is incorrect, Player 1 has the option of asking for the specific English word. For example, if the root word is “uni,” Player 1 would ask for the “one” card. If Player 1 is correct, Player 2 should hand over the correct card, and Player 1 places both cards face up in front of her. If Player 1 is not correct, the turn is over.
- Now, Player 2 chooses an English word from his hand. He should hold the card so his thumb (or a finger of the opposite hand) covers the symbol in the lower right corner and then show the card to Player 1.
Player 1 selects the card from her hand that she thinks matches the displayed card. She shows her card (she does not have to cover the symbol). Player 2 removes his finger from the symbol, and the players confirm that the symbols are the same and that the match is correct.
- If the match is correct, Player 1 takes both cards and places them face up in front of her.
- If the match is incorrect, Player 2 has the option of asking for the specific root word (he can spell it or write it out as needed). For example, if the root word is “one,” Player 2 would ask for the “uni” card. If Player 2 is correct, Player 1 should hand over the correct card, and Player 2 places both cards face up in front of him. If Player 2 is not correct, the turn is over.
- Players repeat Steps 3 through 6 until all matches are made. The player with the most matches in front of him or her is the winner!
- In the next match, players should switch roles so that Player 1 has the English words and Player 2 has the root words.
- Players should be forgiving of small mistakes or requests that are close but not exact. For example, a player with “micro” may ask for “tiny” instead of “small.”