Age 11-13 - Semester 1 - Science Kit
This science kit contains materials that are used with the first semester science units.
The following items are included in this kit. This list is subject to change.
- black construction paper
- blue food coloring
- candle
- eye droppers
- funnel
- graduated cylinder
- green food coloring
- ice cube tray
- large clear cups
- pebbles
- red food coloring
- sand
- scale
- small clear cups
- sponge
- thermometers
- yellow food coloring
- incandescent light bulb
- mini cup
- safety goggles
- ceramic streak plate
- clay
- construction paper
- glass plate
- index cards
- magnifying glass
- penny
- sharpened pencil
- soil test kit
- wooden blocks
- borax
- bottle of school glue
- food coloring
- small paper cups
- zip top bag
- 4' x 4' clear plastic sheet
- iodine solution
- test tube
Sku #: 743
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