Age 10-12 - Semester 2 - Science Kit
The following items are included in this kit. This list is subject to change.
- 9-volt battery
- alligator clips
- aluminum strip
- clay
- clear plastic bottle
- copper strip
- drinking straws
- glass marble
- iron strips
- medium balloon
- mystery elements
- neodymium magnet
- paper bowls
- paper clips
- paper cups
- paper plate
- pencils without erasers
- periodic table of elements
- plaster of paris powder
- Silly Putty
- small balloon
- small bar of Ivory soap
- thermometer
- toothpicks
- wax ball
- wooden craft stick
- blank slides and slide covers
- brine shrimp eggs
- eye dropper
- index cards
- methylene blue
- microscope slides
- mushroom slide
- paramecium slide
- brass nuts
- brass washers
- coffee filter or filter paper
- food coloring
- iodine
- iron filings
- litmus paper
- pennies from 1982 or earlier
- pennies from 1983 or later
- plain steel wool
- plastic spoon
- rubber band
- sand
- Valence card game
- zip-top bag, gallon size
Sku #: 2765
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