Age 10-12 - Semester 1 - Science Kit
The following items are included in this kit. This list is subject to change.
- balloon
- compass
- drinking straws
- human-powered light bulb
- paper cups
- push pin
- red and blue food coloring
- shoelace
- small cups
- thermometers
- 2 sealable plastic bags
- blue food coloring
- charcoal briquettes
- clay
- eye dropper
- gravel
- Rock Cycle chart
- Rock Science Kit
- sand
- Slinky or Slinky Jr.
- soil
- three 12-ounce paper cups
- white glue
- 250-mL beaker
- binder clips
- craft stick
- dried beans
- dynamometer
- index cards
- long dowels
- marble magnet
- marble set
- nail
- neodymium magnet
- paper clip
- paper cup
- pulleys
- rubber band
- scientist cards
- screw
- short dowels
- small plastic bag
- spools
- string
Sku #: 2764
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