Age 6-8 Math Materials Kit
This kit contains materials needed for activities in the 6-8 age level Math units.
The following items are included in this kit. This list is subject to change.
- abacus
- construction paper
- counters
- fine point dry-erase marker
- index cards
- laminated number grids
- laminated number line
- light-colored construction paper
- number cards
- paper plates
- popsicle sticks
- whiteboard
- addition flashcards
- black construction paper
- deck of playing cards
- dice
- green construction paper
- laminated grid paper
- masking tape
- set of double-nine dominoes
- small sticky notes
- subtraction flashcards
- triangle pattern pages
- attribute blocks
- geoboards
- rubber bands
- toothpicks
- base-10 blocks
- deck of cards
- laminated place value mat
- place value cards
- 3 drinking straws
- 40 inches of ribbon
- cloth/vinyl tape measure
- large paper clips
- meter stick
- ruler
- small paper clips
- geared clock
- laminated calendar
- Write and Wipe Clock
- craft paper or light-colored construction paper
- cups
- play five-dollar bills
- play one-dollar bills
Sku #: 2211
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