
Language Arts Unit - Grammar, Part II


This homeschool English curriculum makes grammar and punctuation fun and easy to learn with creative, hands-on activities. Students will solve puzzles in "The Great Grammar Escape Game," play "Conjunction Joining Jenga," create comic strips to illustrate grammar mistakes, compose catchy "Grammar Rock" songs, and act out skits to bring verb moods to life. By the end of the unit, students will confidently write clear, expressive, and grammatically correct sentences while building skills they can use every day.

Key Features:

  • Interactive Grammar Games: Master grammar concepts like subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and pronouns through fun challenges like "The Great Grammar Escape Game" and "Conjunction Joining Jenga."
  • Creative Projects: Explore grammar through imaginative tasks like crafting comic strips about modifier mishaps or performing a "Grammar Rock" song to reinforce key lessons.
  • Practical Skills for Everyday Writing: Learn to use apostrophes and hyphens correctly and fix common mistakes while creating a personalized grammar guide.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Act out skits to explore verb moods, compete in a quiz-show to tackle confusing words, and design art pieces that bring parallel structure to life.

This high school curriculum combines practical exercises, like fixing run-ons and mastering apostrophes, with imaginative projects and games to make learning grammar interactive and fun. Students will solve puzzles, create comic strips, and perform songs, gaining real-world writing skills while enjoying the process. Let your student unlock the power of clear, expressive writing with this exciting and educational unit.

This unit makes up three weeks of a complete year-long high school age English curriculum. Use all ten units for a complete Language Arts ninth grade homeschool curriculum.

This item includes free online access to Beyond the Page Online for 18 months. This includes Learning Gates, Portfolio and any curriculum or student activity pages that you have purchased.

Sku #: 2122
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