

by Jane Yolen and David Shannon

Encounter by Jane Yolen tells the story of Columbus's arrival in the Americas from the perspective of a young Taino boy, offering a thoughtful look at first contact between cultures. Through his eyes, young readers explore themes of curiosity, caution, and the importance of listening to instincts. The book encourages empathy, understanding of diverse viewpoints, and reflection on history, inviting children to consider the impact of encounters between different peoples.

In our literature-based curriculum, Encounter is a helpful tool through various integrated activities. Here are a few examples:

  • Critical Thinking and Discussion: Students engage in guided discussions that explore the themes of the book, such as the impact of colonization on indigenous peoples. 
  • Creative Writing Assignments: Inspired by the story's first-person narrative, students are tasked with writing from the perspective of different characters, encouraging them to delve deeper into the emotional and psychological landscapes of the book's figures. 
  • Art Projects: Reflecting on David Shannon's illustrations, students create art projects that depict scenes or themes from the book, allowing for exploration of the story through visual arts. 
  • Historical Research and Comparison: Students are encouraged to research the Taino people and compare the historical account of Columbus's arrival with the portrayal in Encounter.

Sku #: 178
ISBN: 978-0152013899
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