Age 4-5 Parent Manual
by Kim A. Howe, M.S., and Kelly Kirk
The Parent Manual for Age 4-5 includes the daily lesson plans needed to implement this level. Your child will need the student activity book, materials kit, and a copy of each of the required books.
This item includes free online access to Beyond the Page Online for 18 months. This includes Learning Gates, Portfolio and any curriculum or student activity pages that you have purchased.
Sku #: 1629
Learn More About Age 4-5
Other Required Items
This curriculum requires the following additional items:

$31.99 - Age 4-5 Student Activity Book

$19.99 - A Is for Musk Ox

$8.99 - An Extraordinary Egg

$9.95 - Baby Owl

$9.99 - Blueberries for Sal

$8.00 - But No Elephants

$8.99 - Dinosaurs Big and Small

$7.99 - Fireflies

$18.99 - George Washington's Birthday

$18.99 - Goodnight Goon

$10.99 - Greedy Zebra

$11.99 - Harold and the Purple Crayon

$8.99 - Harry the Happy Mouse

$9.99 - Hondo and Fabian

$9.99 - Jump, Frog, Jump!

$7.99 - Little Blue and Little Yellow

$8.99 - Marshmallow

$8.99 - Millions of Cats

$8.99 - Night in the Country

$7.99 - Owl Babies

$7.99 - Rain

$7.99 - Thanksgiving Is

$5.99 - The Biggest Valentine Ever

$18.99 - The Christmas Wish

$8.99 - The Little Island

$16.80 - The Quilt Story

$18.99 - The Real Mother Goose

$9.99 - The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree

$7.99 - Umbrella

$7.99 - We're Going on Leaf Hunt

$9.99 - What Do You Do With a Tail Like This?

$8.99 - Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin

$135.00 - Age 4-5 Materials Kit
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