
Age 10-12 Social Studies Literature Package

... for those that have the curriculum and manipulatives and just need the literature.
$97.63 Retail: $114.86

This package is designed for those that already own the curriculum and and manipulatives for the social studies program but not the required reading books. It only includes the readers that are incorporated into this level of curriculum.

Sku #: 1317
Learn More About Age 10-12

What's Included in Age 10-12 Social Studies Literature Package


War, Peace, and All That Jazz - A History of US Book 9
DK Readers: Aztec, Inca & Maya
Nobody Gonna Turn Me 'Round: Stories and Songs of the Civil Rights Movement
Prisoners of Geography
The Geography Book: Activities for Exploring, Mapping, and Enjoying Your World
War, Terrible War - A History of US Volume 6
Where Poppies Grow
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