Number Sense 1-20
Reading and Materials List
Required Books
- Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews
- Ten Little Hot Dogs by John Himmelman
Lesson 5
- abacus (kit)
- scissors
- number cards (kit)
- counters (kit)
- glue
- pennies, nickels, and dimes
- base-10 blocks (kit)
- crayons
- laminated number line (kit)
- construction paper (kit)
- colored dot stickers (kit)
- colored pencils or markers
- Interactive Notebook
- items to count
- laminated number bond (kit)
- dice (kit)
- play dollar bills (kit)
- set of double-nine dominoes (kit)
- stapler
- crayons or colored pencils
- fine point dry-erase marker (kit)
- sidewalk chalk (kit)
- whiteboard (kit)
- paper plates (kit)* (1.6 - optional)
- small plastic baggies* (1.Introduction - optional)
- tape
- toothpicks* (2.5 - optional)
- mini marshmallows* (2.5 - optional)
- apple
- egg carton
- knife
- glue or glue stick* (4.Introduction - optional)
- construction paper or card stock* (4.Introduction - optional)
- craft sticks (kit)
- blue construction paper (kit)
- large envelope or plastic baggie
- small sticky notes (kit)
- owl puppets from Lesson 8
- pipe cleaners (kit)
- pony beads (kit)
- math manipulatives (coins, counters, etc.)
- colored pencils
Common Materials
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 4
Lesson 9
Lesson 10
Final Project
* - denotes an optional material that may or may not be used