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Do you have a great idea for implementing a MBTP lesson? Maybe you watched a video, read a book, found a website, visited a museum or want to share a picture of your child's projects. Now you can share your great ideas with other parents. You can share web links, describe what you have done, or even upload pictures.

Lesson 3: Dividing Unit Fractions by Whole Numbers

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Corrected Answer - Dividing Fractions, Lesson 33 - posted from ,

Page 55, lesson 3, problem #7 - 1/2 gal X 1/5 = 1/10 gal

Corrected Answer - Dividing Fractions, Lesson 33 - posted from ,

Page 55, lesson 3, problem #7 - 1/2 gal X 1/5 = 1/10 gal