
Common Core Alignment

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.6.4 - Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

1: Environment and Cycles

Unit 1: The Wanderer
Lesson 2: Preparations
Lesson 6: Marine Life
Lesson 7: The Storm
Final Project: Character Lapbook and Test
Unit 2: The People of Sparks
Lesson 1: The City of Ember
Lesson 4: The Disaster
Lesson 8: Unfairness
Unit 3: Short Stories
Lesson 3: The Dog of Pompeii

2: Force and Power

Unit 1: Bull Run
Lesson 6: The Battle Begins
Unit 3: Number the Stars
Lesson 1: Background on Denmark and World War II

3: Change

Unit 1: Tuck Everlasting
Lesson 1: Getting Ready
Lesson 2: The Wood
Lesson 7: Fishing
Lesson 8: The Gallows
Lesson 9: The Plan
Unit 2: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Lesson 1: School's In
Lesson 7: Christmas
Unit 3: The Giver
Lesson 1: The Community
Lesson 5: Memories
Lesson 8: Love

4: Systems and Interaction

Unit 1: Esperanza Rising
Lesson 1: Tragedy in Mexico
Lesson 6: Papa's Roses
Unit 2: The Tree That Time Built
Lesson 3: Prehistoric
Final Project: Poetry Lapbook
Unit 3: Secret of the Andes
Lesson 1: The Andes Mountains