High School Levels
Jennifer G c
9 years ago
Do you have current plans to develop and eventually offer high school levels of Moving Beyond the Page? Are there any plans in the works? We'd love to continue on with this awesome curriculum beyond the 12-14 level. MBtP is a perfect fit for our family. Thanks!
Vicki K c e

I'm glad to hear that you find MBTP such a good fit for your family! We do have plans to develop curriculum at the high school level, however, we do not have a specific time line for the completion of those levels.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thank you,
Amy B c
9 years ago
Pretty, pretty please develop HS levels!! I just ordered 12-14 and have NO idea what I am going to do afterwards!!
Davina F c
9 years ago
I second that!!
Kristyn M c
9 years ago
We've got one more year left and are scratching our heads about where to go from here. We've truly enjoyed our journey with MBtP.
Melanie F c
8 years ago
Any update on a high school curriculum yet?!
Keith H c e
8 years ago
Hi Melanie,

We are currently working on our high school program. We plan to have the first courses available by Fall of 2017.

Rachael W c
8 years ago
That's fantastic news!! Thank you, Keith. We can't say enough about your curriculum and to hear that we will now be able to stay with MBTP through high school is absolutely wonderful.
Melanie F c
8 years ago
That is amazing news and perfect timing! I can't wait.
Lyndi S c
8 years ago
We would be thrilled to have the High school levels available by fall! We will have a freshman in Sept. that does not want any other curriculum.
Dee O c
8 years ago
Please hurry, we love your program. We would like to continue using it. My son will finish the 12 to 14 curriculum in late January or early February.
Christina M c
8 years ago
Are you still on track for having the first High School curriculum available for 2017?
Christina M c
8 years ago
Are you still on track for having the first High School curriculum available for 2017?
Christina M c
8 years ago
Are you still on track for having the first High School curriculum available for 2017?
Keith H c e
8 years ago
As it looks right now, we are on track to release our first social studies and language arts courses in 2017. I am not sure about science at this point, but we should know more by later this summer.

Kitty B c
8 years ago
This is for 2017...NOT this Fall (2016)
Christina M c
8 years ago
Do you have any idea what the social studies Focus will be?
Vicki K c e

Our full year of World History will cover ancient civilizations to the present.

Thank you,
Megan B c
8 years ago
We are only in the elementary stages of HS but I am so excited to hear that I can actually stick with one curriculum for the entire process. my son loves MBtP and I cannot wait to see what the high school levels have to offer!
Erin A c
8 years ago
So glad to hear about this!!!!
sonya g
8 years ago
Rebecca G c
7 years ago
Is there any additional information on the high school plans? I'd love to see what the lessons are based on so far...
Megan B c
7 years ago
High school 1 semester 1 is viewable on ideashare. Doesn't give info but does list the topics that will be discussed.
Dee O c
7 years ago
I'm with Rebecca, I would love to see more information on the high school lessons. Especially ninth grade.
Megan B c
7 years ago
I have a while before mine are in high school levels. But I do have family and friends that are waiting to see what it is going to look like before they commit.
Rebecca G c
7 years ago
The ideashare only has social studies so far. I was hoping to get an idea for literature as well. We will be finishing up 12-14 this year and I'm starting to look at options for next year.
Vicki K c e
Hello all,

We do anticipate releasing our first level of high school language arts for the fall of 2017, but as of right now it looks like we will not have the first social studies level ready in time for the fall. We now have the first English unit on Idea Share. I hope that helps! :)

Susan P c
7 years ago
This is so exciting, that you are working on High school levels. We have had such a great experience with your curriculum, and our oldest is heading into 9th grade in 2017. Anxious for any and all material you could provide!
Robyn L
7 years ago
Hi, I am a NYS certified teacher in Biology and Chrmistry. I now live in Maryland and would like to homeschool students in this subject area. I taught in public and private schools for seven years and currently do private tutoring. Do I need to go through special credentialing to home school students in the sciences ? Do the parents just get credentialed and they outsource to me like a private tutor? TIA, new to this.
Mary L
6 years ago
Do you think that by fall 2018 you'll have a full high school curriculum ready? We are on the age 12-14 at the moment and love this curriculum very much.
Thanks for your time,
Megan B c
6 years ago
Robyn, I currently live in Maryland and Homeschool. Maryland does not allow homeschooling through private tutors. However Virginia and Pennsylvania do if you are close to one of those borders. :)

edit to add: You will need to be certified to teach in whichever state you plan to be teaching in!
Master K c
6 years ago
Hello! I just wanted to check on the progress of the history and science high school units. Any updates as to when they will be ready for purchase?
Vicki K c e

We do anticipate on releasing our first level of high school history this coming fall. We will continue to build our high school offerings, but I don't have a timeline on those additional levels yet.

Thank you,
Debbie J c
6 years ago
We have used MBTP for nearly a decade. Now we're at the HS Level and MBTP has only the LA available. Does anyone have any recommendations for Science and Social Studies to hold us over until MBTP HS level Science and Social Studies is available?
Thank You!
Debbie J c
6 years ago
Thank you! I'll look into those options. Hopefully MBTP will have HS SS ready by this fall.
Desria S c
6 years ago
Do you anticipate adding a new level each fall? I have a rising 9th grader and want to verify that I can continue to use it each year.
Vicki K c e
Hi Desria,

Unfortunately, our High School offerings are developing a little slower than we had first anticipated. We will continue to offer our first level of High School English, but our Social Studies is now planned to be released Fall 2019. We will continue from there, but I don’t have a timeline at this point.

Please let me know if I can answer any further questions.

Thank you,
Karen D c
6 years ago
Hello. What type of history will be offered, world, United States? Thanks
Crystal U c
6 years ago
I too am curious what aspect of history will be covered in the social studies.
Keith H c e
6 years ago

The first level of social studies will be World History. After this level is finished, we are planing levels that cover United States History and then a level on Civics and Geography.
Carolyn L c
6 years ago
High school levels ? What is happening with these? We are having to use our charter school 9th grade curriculum and worried this isn't going to work as well this coming year. If it doesn't I'll be dropping everything and using Mbtp.
Keith H c e
6 years ago
Hi Carolyn,

Our high school curriculum is coming out slower than we would like. We currently have one level of language arts (that can be used for either 9th or 10th grade), and we are working on our first level of social studies. We are targeting next summer for its release, but we will keep you updated on our progress as we get closer to spring time.

Rachelle B c
6 years ago
Hi Vicki, is Social Studies for High school level considered World History? I'm wondering how to plan around its release. Thanks!
Keith H c e
6 years ago

Our first high school curriculum for social studies will be World History. Our plan will be to follow that up with a course on American History, but we don't have a release date estimate for that yet.

Rachelle B c
6 years ago
Thank you for your quick response, Keith! We will be ready for American next school year, so I will cross my fingers :)
Roxanne T c
6 years ago
We are thrilled with the current high school language arts program. When will the next level of language arts be released? I'm ever so hopeful to continue with MBTP through all 4 years of HS, as there is nothing out there that quite compares...
Keith H c e
6 years ago
Hi Roxanne,

Thank you for your kind words about our high school language arts program. We are really proud of it. Unfortunately, you are not going to be happy with my response and schedule. We are just in the early stages of outlining the next level of language arts, and our current plan is to release the next level in 2020. I know that is not what you wanted to hear, and that it won't help you out at all if you are currently using the high school level. As you can imagine, it is a herculean effort to release an entire level of high school curriculum, but we are working as diligently as we can to get another one out there.


PS. I am going to forward your message to our writers. They love the curriculum they wrote, and it is always nice to hear that someone else does too.
Carolina B c
5 years ago
Will Science be on the list for MBtP Highschool?
Master K c
5 years ago
Yes, I'd love to see some tentative details about Science for high school.
Avdyn H c
3 years ago
Do you have a high school Social studies?
3 years ago
We do not currently have a High School Social Studies curriculum. I know there were plans to resume writing High School Language Arts and start writing High School Social Studies for the the coming year, but with the pandemic, I know things have slowed down. That means I don't have a date on that for you at this time.
Jessica G c
3 years ago
Any updates for the High School program?
Angela D c e
3 years ago
We hope to release more language arts levels starting in the Fall of 2022. There are also plans to start adding social studies. We cannot make any firm commitments on more high school at this time. (I have two daughters completing 7th grade at this moment and would love for there to be more as well.)
Angelia D c
2 years ago
Checking in to see if the plan is still to release High School Level 2 in Fall 2022?
2 years ago
Hello! Unfortunately, we do not have a current release timeline for the high school levels.
Angelia D c
2 years ago
Any update on when High School Level 2 will be available?
2 years ago
Will High School Level 2 be available for Fall 2022?
Angela D c e
2 years ago
It will not. It may be available by Fall of 2023 but not by this coming Fall. I apologize for the wait.
Alisha C c
2 years ago
Are there any current plans to expand on curriculum for high school 2022?
Angela D c e
2 years ago
We have no plans to expand high school for this coming school year at this time.
Michelle C
2 years ago
I see there are plans for high school LA level 2 in the future. Are there plans to add history and science?
2 years ago
There are no concrete plans we are ready to share at this time. Thanks for loving our curriculum!
James S c
1 years ago
Can you possibly tell me where you saw the info about a potential LA2 release? I love this curriculum and and to the point where we're ready for LA2. I've tried to look at other curriculums but they just aren't comparable.
1 years ago
Hi James! While there are plans to write High School 2 Language Arts, we are not ready to share those plans or even tentative release dates at this time. Thanks for loving MBTP!
Angelia D c
1 years ago
Checking in to see if dates and plans for High School 2 Language Arts has been decided on yet?
Angela D c e
1 years ago
We have no concrete plans for any more high school content at this time. I know this is disappointing to those who have used our curriculum over the years (my two daughters are in ninth grade now) and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Kimberly K c
1 years ago
It is understandable that plans change.

However, would you all be able to make a more public announcement about this? I know several people holding out hope and it only seems fair to inform them with the same level of publicity that was given to saying more high school would be coming over the last several years.
Kimberly K c
1 years ago
(Sorry, double post)
Keith H c e
1 years ago

Thanks for reaching out to us. I am sorry about the lack of communication around our high school language arts plans. We do still have plans for our second level of high school language arts, but we don't have an estimated release date for this curriculum yet. We are currently in discussions with an excellent curriculum developer that is interested in working on this project, and we just need to get a commitment on the timing. I am hoping for the summer of 2024, but as Angela mentioned, we don't have a concrete plan at this point. We will let announce more details when we have them.

Regina R c
1 years ago

Keith, I was wondering if you had any more news regarding the creation of more high school content? I've got a 7th grader this year, and we would LOVE to see more content created from Moving Beyond the Page for her 9th grade year. 

Keith H c e
1 years ago

Hi Regina,

We have a writer picked out for our second level of language arts, but we don't have a schedule yet. I am hoping that we can have more concrete plans by later this fall. Right now we only have one full year of language arts that can be used in either 9th or 10th grade. I think that we can have a second level of language arts in time for your 7th grader. 


Melissa K c
8 months ago

So what's the deal with high school level? I'm looking through the posts on this forum and one MBTP  says they have a writer working on it. Another says no plans to continue. Are you saying this because you don't want to lose customers up until 12-14???? MBTP families need to know what's going on. Thanks

Keith H c e
7 months ago

Hi Melissa,

I am sorry for all of the confusion that we have had around our high school levels. We do plan to build out at least one more level of language arts for high school, and we are considering social studies as well. We have at various times had writers committed to the project, and then they were either moved to different projects or have moved on themselves to other opportunities. 

At this time, we don't have a writer committed to the project, so we are not able to give you a timeframe for when we will have additional high schools levels. 

Our middle school levels are designed to prepare your students for high school level courses. This is true whether you utilize any high school programs that we offer, or something different. 

Again, I am sorry for any confusion we have fostered around our development of high school curriculum. It comes  solely from an enthusiasm to develop even more excellent curriculum, and in this case we got ahead of ourselves.



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