Curriculum Development
Linda M c
3 years ago
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE continue to develop ALL SUBJECTS FOR EACH LEVEL! My kids adore the program as much as I do! My only regret is not pursuing homeschooling earlier, this being our first year. Nothing compares! However, I am worried that we will not have a subject needed for the next level?!? I can only imagine the difficulty in getting a level off the ground but knowing what the plan will be going forward allows me to breathe easy. Thank you for your time and effort in making MBP engaging, challenging and thoughtful.
Angela D c e
3 years ago
At the moment, we are working on some more high school language arts and social studies but we can give no promises on release dates. Our best estimate is Fall 2022 before you see any more levels. I completely understand your concerns! My daughters are finishing seventh grade this year!
Elizabeth R c
3 years ago
In reading through multiple threads here, it seems people have been begging you for HS curriculum for years, and you keep promising it. I see posts from as early as 2014 saying it was coming. What has become clear is that we cannot count on MBTP to have anything developed in time for my daughter to use them. Apparently, you came to a full stop on development and switched your focus to building a math curriculum, which I didn't see anyone asking you for. What I did see, over and over, was loyal users of your program asking for high school level language arts, science, and social studies. Disappointing doesn't even begin to cover it.
Angela D c e
3 years ago
I apologize that you are unhappy with the speed of our curriculum development. We are a small family-run company and are unable to produce new curriculum at the speed you may find elsewhere. Delays were often due to changes in family needs of our language arts and social studies curriculum writers. At the moment they are working on further levels of high school language arts and beginning to look at hiring another writer for the social studies levels. I, personally, have two daughters who just completed 7th grade, and I would love for more curriculum to be there for them in high school. Unfortunately, as a company, we cannot make any promises on when this will be available.
Christina P c
2 years ago
I'm asking for math lol.
2 years ago
Hi Christina! Age 10-12 Math is set to release this summer, and we have plans to expand our math curriculum through the rest of middle school at this time. It's a slow process creating and perfecting material to share with you all. We want it to be the best it can be.

Please let us know if you have further questions at [email protected]. We are happy to visit with you!
Linda M c
2 years ago
IT IS HERE!!! Math 10-12, very excited and already ordered! Please keep adding the additional levels of math. And fingers crossed, you will expand the high school levels with all subjects! I know it takes an enormous amount of effort, but we are truly grateful for MBTP.
Angela D c
2 years ago
Thank you!! We are working hard to bring you more curriculum over time.
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