Online Access Now Included with Every Hard-Copy Purchase

Every hard-copy curriculum purchase now comes with 18 months of complimentary online curriculum access.
It doesn't matter how you purchase -- one unit at a time or an entire age level. When you purchase any of our hard-copy curriculum books, you will also receive complimentary access to the online curriculum for a year and a half.
Why This Is Great News
This is great news for families that split homeschool time between two locations. Maybe your child homsechools half the week with you and half the week at your parent's home. Now you can use the hard-copy curriculum at home on Mondays and Tuesdays, and your mom can use the online curriculum the rest of the week at her house.
Have you wanted to take your homeschooling on the road? Don't lug all of the books with you. You already have your phone or iPad. Access lesson plans wherever you have an internet connection.
Did your child rush through an assignment that you would like to see done better? Print the student activity page online and give your child a second chance.
How to Take Advantage
All you have to do is purchase a hard-copy curriculum on our website. When you do, you will receive the online access automatically for 18 months. Just click the "/Online" link in the top right of our website.
You will receive online access if you purchase:
- single units,
- entire age levels,
- preschool curriculum,
- elementary units,
- middle school units,
- high school units,
- parent-directed units, or
- student-directed units.
Please note that the online curriculum access does not include access to the literature. It only includes online access to our curriculum lesson plans.