
Age 5 To 7

Age 5-7 Videos

Age 5-7 - Introduction
Beyon the Page Age 5-7 level is a full-year comprehensive curriculum that includes everything you need for an entire school year.
6 minutes
Walk Through the Year: Age 5-7 Math
Take a look at some of the topics, projects, and activities your child will study in math.
8 minutes
Walk Through the Year: Age 5-7 S, SS, LA
Take a look at some of the topics, projects, and activities your child will be studying next year.
13 minutes
Unboxing Age 5-7
See everything that is included in the Age 5-7 Full Year Package.
7 minutes
Age 5-7 - Day in the Life
This video outlines all you need to know about what a day in the life of a family looks like when using the Age 5-7 Level full-year curriculum.
15 minutes


The Age 5-7 level now includes reading. (learn more)

What Will Your 6-Year-Old Do This Year?

Will he read...

  • six books that explore characters, patterns and similarities and differences;
  • five books that explore communities and people both far and near;
  • eleven books that investigate animal habitats, the five senses, weather, movement, and changes in nature;
  • nine books that explore counting, place value, addition and subtraction, shapes, and telling time;

Will he practice...

  • printing letters of the alphabet,
  • copying words and sentences,
  • writing or dictating short paragraphs,
  • composing poems,
  • reading short passages,
  • answering questions about a text, and
  • illustrating responses?

Will he explore...

  • animal habitats,
  • weather,
  • the five senses,
  • attributes and patterns,
  • time and measurement,
  • changes in nature,
  • data and graphing,
  • life in the past, and
  • people in communities?

Will he create...

  • an illustrated story,
  • a video about patterns,
  • a shape museum exhibit,
  • a plan for improving his community,
  • a mobile about changes,
  • an addition and subtraction sticker book,
  • a “sensible” party to explore the five senses,
  • an online book review presentation, and
  • a mini-book about his past, present, and future?

He will do all this and more if he uses the Age 5-7 level this year.

The Age 5-7 curriculum constitutes one year of academic instruction in science, social studies, language arts, reading, and math. As of September 2022, the Age 5-7 Level includes the Beyond the Page Reading Program as well. You can read more about the reading program for Age 5-7 here.

In the science, social studies, and language arts curriculum, your child will explore all subject areas and will be given ample opportunity to practice letter recognition — along with reading and writing according to your child's ability. The curriculum does not assume that your child can read, but readers and non-readers alike will be challenged. The curriculum is filled with quality literature to enjoy with your child. Oftentimes, homeschoolers are only taught reading, writing, and math during the early years, but a truly comprehensive curriculum will expose them to science and social studies as well. These subjects can be the most engaging and exciting for a young child.


Language Arts

  • Recognize upper and lower case letters
  • Write upper and lower case letters
  • Identify the sounds of the letters


  • Recognize upper and lower case letters
  • Write upper and lower case letters
  • Identify the sounds of the letters

Reading Placement Questionnaire


  • Has completed the Age 4-5 level or another kindergarten program
  • Recognizes and understands numbers 1-20
  • Can write the numbers 1-20
  • Usually used by children in first grade

Beyond Standards

Because all lessons are based on state and national standards, your child will learn all of the necessary skills for his age. Your child will continue to be challenged to read and write at a higher level.

Summary of Skills

The links below will take you to the Summary of Skills for each of the concepts that make up the Age 5-7 curriculum. The Summary of Skills is a list of the state and national standards that are covered within Beyond the Page. This list can be useful for your own planning purposes, but it is also quite helpful when submitting required documentation to fulfill state and local reporting requirements.

Age 5-7 Common Core Alignment

Our curriculum has excellent coverage of the Common Core standards for ELA and Math.

  • English Language Arts
    Review our alignment with the Common Core Standards for Language Arts.
  • Math
    Review our alignment with the Common Core Standards for Math.


Beyond the Page is easy to use without a formal schedule. Just finish one lesson each day from each of the subject areas, and you will finish in about the same time as a traditional school year.

If you prefer to plan your year out more explicitly, you can choose from one of the following schedules. Any of these schedules can also be used for a year-round schedule.

Unit 1: Habitats and Homes
Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts
Unit 1: Number Sense 1-20
Unit 1: Semester 1