Literature-based homeschool curriculum for creative, hands-on, and gifted learners.
Distance Learning Schools Love Beyond the Page!
Our curriculum is a great choice for families and teachers working through a distance learning school or charter school. Our curriculum covers state and national standards while providing a unique literature-based approach to learning, hands-on activities, and critical and creative thinking skills.
Parent Reviews
My FAVORITE Homeschool Curriculum
Moving Beyond the Page ONE YEAR Update
Roll of Thunder Review
A mom and her daughter discuss the literature unit for Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry!
Who We Are

Your children will grow in their love of learning through our literature-based curriculum that:

  • Encourages critical and creative thinking
  • Provides challenging and engaging projects
  • Supports different learning styles

With Beyond the Page, each day is different. Every activity is designed to instill a love of learning and creative expression.

Our curriculum is written with gifted learners in mind, but gifted strategies benefit all students.

Beyond the Page is how children want to learn!

Order a Catalog
Sample Our Curriculum
Our sample center includes the first two weeks of lessons, for every subject, in every age level. All of the required literature and our incredible manipulative kits are included in our full year packages.